Uk Gdpr Data Sharing Agreement

If you are a business operating in the UK, you are bound by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that came into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR is a set of regulations designed to protect the personal data of individuals in the European Union (EU), including the UK. One aspect of the GDPR that you`ll need to be familiar with is data sharing agreements.

Data sharing agreements are contracts that specify how personal data will be shared between two or more organizations. Under the GDPR, these agreements must include specific provisions to ensure that the personal data being shared is protected. Here`s what you need to know about UK GDPR data sharing agreements.

Scope of Data Sharing Agreements

Data Sharing Agreements apply to processors and controllers who need to collaborate while processing personal data. This will depend on the nature of the processing activity and the data being processed. For example, if two organizations are working together on a project that involves collecting and processing personal data from EU citizens, they would need to enter into a data sharing agreement.

What UK GDPR Data Sharing Agreements Should Include

Data sharing agreements should include the following elements:

1. The identity and contact details of the parties involved in the agreement, including the data controller(s) and the data processor(s).

2. The details of the data being shared, including the type of data, the purpose of the data sharing, and the categories of individuals whose data will be shared.

3. The legal basis for the data sharing, which will typically be one of the GDPR`s six lawful bases.

4. The measures that will be taken to ensure that the data is protected, including technical and organizational measures.

5. The duration of the agreement and how the data will be secured, deleted, or returned at the end of the term of the agreement.

6. The procedures for notifying individuals if their personal data is breached.


In summary, if you`re a business operating in the UK, you must comply with the GDPR`s data protection requirements, including data sharing agreements. Make sure that your data sharing agreements are comprehensive, compliant with the GDPR, and reflect the best practices in data protection. By doing so, you`ll not only protect your customers` personal data but maintain your reputation as a responsible business.